오늘은 엄마가 나거야에 왔어요.
내주부터 우리 같이 유럽에 갈거에요.
오늘부터 밥을 만들지 없어서 좋아요.
I'm learning Korean and German. This is going to be my journal in multi-Languages someday...not food reports...I hope...I wish...
피타 샌드위치 Pita Sandwich

피타안에 야재가 많이 있어서 전말 맛 있었어요.
이 것은 한 게에 340엔이고 좀 비싸니까 싸면 좋겠어요.
I had Pita Sandwich for lunch today, which I bought from my favorite Bakery shop, Andersen.
I was careless so Pita has gotten a hole in the middle.
There are lots of veggies in it and I like it.
This costs 340yen...I hope it's a little bit cheeper.
토요일은 예외예요. Special Saturday

요죰 옷이 좀 작아져서 여덟 시이후는 안 먹기로 해요.
아주 배고프지만 마음을 비우고 먹고 싶은 라면을 참아요.
하지만 토요일만는 예외로 무엇이나 언제나 먹을 수 있어요.
끄래서 오늘 초밥을 싸 가지고 돌아와서 밤에 치즈케이트도 먹었어요.
맛 있었어요!!
Recently I've tried not to eat after 8 o'clock even though I feel hungry and I really want to eat Korean noodle because I think my clothes are a little bit tight.
BUT I've decided that Saturday is special,so I can have anything and any time I want on Saturdays. Yahoo!
Today I bought Susi and I had cheese cake in the night. GOOD!!
Subtle Problem - 미묘한 문제
비어 가든 beer garden
양배추하고 옹어의 파스타
양배추 한 게를 샀으니까, 이 주말은 파스타를 만들어서 먹었어요.
웅어하고 버섯 ( 만가닥버섯하고 에린기 ) 도 넣었어요.
이것은 아주 쉬워요.
저도 가끔은 요리를 하는 것이 있어요.
웅어하고 버섯 ( 만가닥버섯하고 에린기 ) 도 넣었어요.
이것은 아주 쉬워요.
저도 가끔은 요리를 하는 것이 있어요.
도넛 PART2
'달콤한 인생'라고 하는 비디오를 보고 있으면 등장인물이 '크리스피 도넛'을 먹는 장면 봤어요.
요줌 나거야 다카시마야에서 가게가 생겼어지만 매일 긴 행렬이 있어서 저는 아직 먹지 몿 봤어요.
한 게에 180앤이에요. 좀 비싸고 생각해요?
하지만 전말 먹어 보고 싶어요!!!
요줌 나거야 다카시마야에서 가게가 생겼어지만 매일 긴 행렬이 있어서 저는 아직 먹지 몿 봤어요.
한 게에 180앤이에요. 좀 비싸고 생각해요?
하지만 전말 먹어 보고 싶어요!!!
I got this e-mail from my English teacher.
I'm from the eastcorst of Hokkaido, so in my hometown we use Hokkaido white miso. It looks like Kyoto white miso but the taste is diffrent, it's salty. It's really weak for heat so put miso just before you stop cooking. Don't boil it.
Now I live in Aichi prefecture which is famous for red miso( single soybean miso) , and I had red miso soup here for the first time. I thought it was OK. I bought red miso and tried cooking by using it. I found several interesting things.
Red miso is good for
simple miso soup : deep fish soup stock is needed. The ingredients should be simple like tofu and leeks (Negi).
"Nabe" : Japanese pot dish. Red miso is strong for heating and teste become deeper.
"Nimono" : cook anything with miso instead of soy sauce.
White miso is good for
miso soup : with lots of ingredients like veggitables , potatos and fish or meat.
gratin, stew : add some white miso instead of salt
milk miso soup : it tastes like Japanese stew.
Either red , white or mixed (Awase) miso is good for
vinegar and miso dip : for seaweeds and seafood. I like "wakame" seaweed and boiled octopus with it. When you think it's too salty, add some sugar or "Mirin". (Mirin is sweet Japanese alcoholic seasoning, which is made by rice.)
Sweet miso dip : add some sugar or "Mirin", and put it on steamed vegetables.
I found the site which explain about miso. ( click here) This site has English information, too.(click here) But unfortunately it doesn't have many receipts.I'm gonna look for more information about miso.
to be continued...
I was wondering if you could explain to me what the different types of miso are used for?
I'm from the eastcorst of Hokkaido, so in my hometown we use Hokkaido white miso. It looks like Kyoto white miso but the taste is diffrent, it's salty. It's really weak for heat so put miso just before you stop cooking. Don't boil it.
Now I live in Aichi prefecture which is famous for red miso( single soybean miso) , and I had red miso soup here for the first time. I thought it was OK. I bought red miso and tried cooking by using it. I found several interesting things.
Red miso is good for
simple miso soup : deep fish soup stock is needed. The ingredients should be simple like tofu and leeks (Negi).
"Nabe" : Japanese pot dish. Red miso is strong for heating and teste become deeper.
"Nimono" : cook anything with miso instead of soy sauce.
White miso is good for
miso soup : with lots of ingredients like veggitables , potatos and fish or meat.
gratin, stew : add some white miso instead of salt
milk miso soup : it tastes like Japanese stew.
Either red , white or mixed (Awase) miso is good for
vinegar and miso dip : for seaweeds and seafood. I like "wakame" seaweed and boiled octopus with it. When you think it's too salty, add some sugar or "Mirin". (Mirin is sweet Japanese alcoholic seasoning, which is made by rice.)
Sweet miso dip : add some sugar or "Mirin", and put it on steamed vegetables.
I found the site which explain about miso. ( click here) This site has English information, too.(click here) But unfortunately it doesn't have many receipts.I'm gonna look for more information about miso.
to be continued...
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