요죰 옷이 좀 작아져서 여덟 시이후는 안 먹기로 해요.
아주 배고프지만 마음을 비우고 먹고 싶은 라면을 참아요.
하지만 토요일만는 예외로 무엇이나 언제나 먹을 수 있어요.
끄래서 오늘 초밥을 싸 가지고 돌아와서 밤에 치즈케이트도 먹었어요.
맛 있었어요!!
Recently I've tried not to eat after 8 o'clock even though I feel hungry and I really want to eat Korean noodle because I think my clothes are a little bit tight.
BUT I've decided that Saturday is special,so I can have anything and any time I want on Saturdays. Yahoo!
Today I bought Susi and I had cheese cake in the night. GOOD!!
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