최근 아주 좋아해서 매일 보는 블로그가 있어요. '쟈토라와 하치와레' 라고 하는 고양이의 사이트이에요. '쟈토라'도 '하치와레'도 고양이의 종류이에요.
블로그 저자는 부부이에요. 버림받은 고양이를 찾으면 주워 와서 돌봐요. 일본에서 필요없고 사육할 수 없면 많은 사람이 애완 동물을 버려요. 그 동물은 아무도 사육하고 싶지 않으면 죽기거에요. 하지만 그 블로그에서는 진지한 것은 없어서 고양이의 일상을 쓰어요.
저는 폿포라고 하는 검은 고양이가 정말 마음에 들어요. 폿포의 순족은 희어서 장갑하고 양말을 신어 보여요. 그리고 너구리 같아서, 옛날 재 집에서 있었은 고양이를 생각해요.
재미있으면, 봐주세요. 쟈토라와 하치와레
Recently I've been really into the cat blog , whose name is "Chatora and Hachiware".
The authors have usually three cats that are all abandoned. When they find other abandoned cats or stray cats, they bring them to their home ,take cake of them and look for new owners.
In Japan a lots of people buy a pet and abandon them when they don't want to keep it anymore or they have trouble to keep it. The abandoned cats are supposed to be killed unless somebody want to keep them. In this site, the authors don't try to make the visitors uncomfortable, they just show us the cats have their own characters by using photos and comments.
I totally love Poppo, that is a black cat have white paws like gloves and socks. He remindes me of my old cat, Momo. Both move very slow and lack of the sense of balance. Their faces are like raccoon dogs.
If you are curious about this post, just visit the site.
Unfortunately this site is in Japanese only, but you can see the photos and movies there.
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