중국에서 도착이 한 시간 늦어서, 우리 출발도 두 시간 늦었어요. 여상대로.
비행기가 달리기 시작할 때, 백이 흰 연기를 뿜었서, 놀랐어요.
이미 파손 돼요...?
고장이 아니라 가습기인 것 같았어요.
카메라를 사용할 수 있면, 사진을 찍고 싶었어요.
We used Chinese air company for the first time because we joined a packaged tour and didn't have any choice. The plane didn't come from China on time, so our flight was two hours delayed. That's not surprising.
The biggest extraordinary thing was that white smoke came from the wall of the plane!!
I was pretty sure the plane was already broken thanks for Chinese, but it was not.
It was for humidification. I'd never seen such equipments and I don't think it was cool.
나거야에서 상해까지 두 시간의 비행인대, 기내식이 나왔어요. 조금 앞에 먹고었서 배부러지만, 맛을 봄만 해 봤어요.
제 것은 고기인데 엄마 것은 생선을 택해서,생선은 뱀장어였어요.
이 오렌지 색의 것은 과일 같았지만 우엇인가 몰랐어요. 모습은 멜론인데 맛은 오이나 수박의 껌질이에요. 이름을 알고 싶어요.
It takes about two hours from Nagoya to Shanghai and it was almost four o'clock, so I had no expectation of meals in it. We were full, yet also we were curious of Chinese in-flight meals and chose each kind, fish and meat.
About the taste, don't ask me. You know it.
Fish was eel. I hate eel. Eel and raisins are the only things I can't eat among common foods.
Do you know what the orange thing is? I think it's a kind of fruits but I'm not sure. It seems to be melon or cantaloupe but tastes like cucumber or the skin part of watermelon. It doesn't mean it was not ripe. Anybody who know it, please let me know!
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