여정보다 한 시간 빨리 겨우 독일 프랑ㅌ크푸르트 공항에 도착했어요. 여섯 시 전에 사람이 그다지 없었어요.
We finally arrived at Frankfurt airport one hour earlier than the schedule. It was earlier than 6 o'clock in the morning, so there were only few people.
돈을 바꾸고 싶으니까, 버스를 기다리는 동안 커피를 마시기로 했어요. 보세요. 이 겁하고 빵은 아주 컸어요. 사실은 누리 트래블러스 체크로 치르고 싶었지만 여기에서는 쓸 수 없었어요. 일본에서 유로 지펴로 바꿨면 좋았어요.
We needed to change into coins and we had lots of time to wait for our bus, so that we had a cup of coffee. See! The cup was so huge. Can you compare with my favorite ballpoint pen, orange big? Actually we wanted to change travelers checks but any of shops at Frankfurt airport couldn't accept them. We should have changed into Euro bills not into checks in Japan.
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