상해에서 심야에 출발하서 기내에서 도착지 시간으니까 다시 기내식이 나깄어요. 밥나 면이 있지만 다 먹을 때 빵을 배포하기 시작했어요. 빵의 방향을 무시해서 빈 젖시에 던져 넣었어요. 빵이 쓰러져요. 가끔 떨어질 것 같았어요.
겁에 금이 가서 주스가 새니까 새 겁을 부탁했어요. 그러자 그는 말 없이 다른 겁을 쌓았어요. 귀찮은 일을해 보였어요.
We left at almost midnight, but the time was set as the destination in a plane, so in-flight meal was served again!! When passengers were almost finishing their dinner, flight attendants dropped bread in a empty tray. Not put, but dropped. They don't care or just don't know the top and bottom of bread exists. The taste...never ask me.
I found a pool of juice under my plastic cup. There was a huge crack at the bottom of the cup, and juice was leaking. I asked a flight attendant to change the cup, but she put it into another and handed me them without saying anything. She seemed to be really annoyed because of me. Those seemed not to be her business.
곧 독일에 닿을 때 아침 식사를 나갔어요. 오믈렛또는 마파 면이였어요. 왜 아침에 마파여요? 케이트하고 과일하고 요구르트, 왜 디저트가 새 개 있었어요? 왜 오른 사진의 과일이 적었어요? 중국은 매우 이상해요.
These were breakfast. I agree to omelet, but why Mapo noodle? I sincerely want to ask if Chinese have Mapo at breakfast. How come there were three kinds of dessert; chocolate cake, yogurt, and fruit? And one more, didn't they care about the amount of each tray? Look, the fruit. We didn't eat any before I took this picture. China is like a wonderland.
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