We moved to St. Goar by bus after Rhine River cruise. We were going to have lunch in Heidelberg.
점심은 하이델베르크 식당에서 먹었어요. 해가 떠서 기온이 높지만, 테라스에서는 사람들이 많이 있어요. 우리는 안채로 안내당했어요.
It was almost noon and the temperature was going up, yet there were a lot of people drinking beer and chatting at the terrace. We were brought to a small room in the restaurant. There were lots of lovely stuffs in it, so I should have took some pictures there.

신넌한 야채때 문에 전채 샐러드는 정말 맛있었어요.
오른쪽 사진은 사과 파이예요. 크림 말고 마이스크림 있었으면 했어요.
The salad was so good because of fresh veggis. This dressing was just good as the perfect balanced of sour and salt.
The right is apple pie. It was not too much sugar in it. I prefer ice cream to normal cream, but it's American style.

이 것이 메인 캐비지 롤이에요. 커요. 하지만 이 캐비지는 조금 성장이 지나침이에요? 나이프로 칠 수 없었어요.
안내하는 여행사 작원은 도일하고 스위스의 식사는 기대하지 말라고 하지만 저는 좋아했어요.
Main dish was rolled cabbage with potatoes. It was huge. This cabbage was so hard that I straggled to cut it by knife. So as all the people in the room. I thought this purple veggi was beet but it was not. I like beets so I was a little bit disappointed.
Hi Himazo-san,
Thank you for inviting me to your charming site. It was good for you having been to China and Europe, I envy you. At first, before reading the schedule, I thought you went all around the globe^^; Many people around me, from my daughter to tadokist friends, go abroad, but not me. ha ha.
The pictures on flicke were all beautiful. Those taken during the river tour reminds me of the music, Donauno nagare or something...
The profile says you have several blogs, but I couldn't find links to those blogs from this one. Will you put a link at least to the one you're writing about Tadoku.
Thank you!!
Hi, emmie-san.
Thanks for coming. I planed this travel for my mom. I promised her to bring her abroad about 10 years ago if she reads English books and listens to radio programs. I remembered this word but I hadn't done. She was really excited but she had no chance to speak English there. I'm going to go to China in October, actually to follow Anjyu-san. Mr.S might go there, too. How about the off-meeting in Shanghai?
There is a statue called 'Loreley' beside the Rhein river, so people song when we passed, but I didn't know that song.
Can we add another link in our profile? I haven't updated the original site for a while, so I hesitated to link it.
See you!
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