점심후 만닐 장소에 가면 그리운 기분을 됐어요. 일순 '여기는 어디예요?'라고 생가했어요. 여기는 마주 오타와 새내에 집을 같았어요.
When I went to the meeting point after lunch, I felt something was really familiar like déjà-vu. I wondered why and it hitted me. This town is like a downtown in Ottawa.
이 시에서는 독일에 가장 오래된 대학, '루프레히트 카를스 하이델베르크대학교'가 있어요. 캠파스는 없어서, 다 시에 학교 건물이 있어요. 일분 교토대학 '철학의 샛길'은 이 대학을 흉내내서 만들었어요. 하지만 저는 교토대학에 간 걱이 없어서, 공통점은 모르겠어요.
There is Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg, the oldest university in Germany, and the whole of this downtown is the uni. I heard campus university was not common in Germany.
'The philosophical path'of Kyoto uni is named after the path in this uni,"Philosophenweg". I've never been to one of Kyoto, so I couldn't find any similarity between them.
As we passed I found a used-book store There were lots of art books and childen books,so I really wanted to check them but I had to catch my group. This was the only used-book store that I could find during this travel. Sigh...

이 것은 카를 테오도르 다리, 도일에 가장 오래된 돌로 지은 다리예요. 다리 옆에 망토비비 상이 있어서, 관광 객이 머리를 넣어서 사진을 찍고 있었어요. 저도 하고 싶지만 키가 작아서 미칠 수 없었어요
This is Karl-Theodor-Brücke but the statue at the side of the bridge. The name of this statue is Brückenaff. People in Heidelberg seemed to like apes. So do travelars. They put their head in this statue and took pictures. This bridge was made of stones after lots of floods destroyed wooden bridges, and it wasn't common at that time.

로프웨이로 하이델배르크 성이 있는 산에 갈 거에요. 개찰구 표시는 '마직 2분'부터 바귀지 않았어요. 새 면 대머리 큰 남자들이 그 표시을 안 보니까, 게이트 고장라고 생각하나 봤어요. 그리고 우리 가이드가 이야기를 걸어서, 그 남자들은 이집트 유학생하고 일본어로 인사를 했어요.
성에서는 큰 와인 통이 있지만 정말 큰나까 사진을 못 찍었어요.
We were going to go to Heidelberg castle by cableway. The signal at the gate was red and the show was 'Wait 2 mins', so we waited there. Three bald and tall men came and tried to pass the red-signed gate. Our guide let them know the sign, and they started to talk to us. They were students from Egypt and they knew a little bit Japanese. They seemed to be rough but they were really friendly.
In Heidelberg castle we can see the outrageously huge wine container. It's so huge that there is a steps to climb it.
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