아침 식사를 호텔에서 했어요. 독일떼 문에 흑빵라고 생각해지만 쿠페빵 같은 흰빵있었어요. 그 밖에 햄하고 치즈가 수종류 있었어요. 야채가 있으면 샌드위지가 만들 수 있어요. 잼하고 붕밀하고 초코 페이스트도 있어서, 빵에 바렀어요. 우유하고 요구르트는 정말 마있었어요. 두 개 불 안에 있는 요구르트의 색이 다라서, 맛도 다랐어요. 그 것은 뭐 알고 싶어요.
This is breakfast in the hotel. We expected rye bread, but they were not. I chose this one that looked like a French roll and tasted just like a roll. If we had veggies they would be sandwiches. There were also several kinds of jams and honeys. I tried all of them. I liked yogurt and milk there. There seem to be two kinds of yogurt, one was white colour and plain taste and the other was ivory and something like nuts. I would like to know what it was. I don't think someone put peanuts butter in yogurt by mistake.
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