로텐부르크의 거리를 삭책한 후에 벽 바로 밖에서 있는 식당에서 점심을 먹었어요.
After walking around Rothenburg, we went to a restaurant that was just outside of the walls.

콩소메, 샐러드, 결들이는 감자가 많이 있었어요.
The menu was consomme soup, salad, and a lot of baked potatoes.

메인은 흰 생선의 프라이옜어요. 타르타르소스가 정말 맜었어요. 무슨 생선이엤어요? 대구? 디저트는 치즈 무스예요. 이것도 맜었어요!
The main was fried white fish with tartar sauce. I love tartar sauce, so it was good. I wondered what kind of fish it was. codfish?
다만 식당 안에 아주 더웠어요. 다른 손님이 없지만 일본 투어 손님만 믾이 같은 방 안에 있어서, 바람이 안 불었어요. 있기에 다른 일분 투어 사람들하고 있고 싶지 안아요.
There were no customer but several tour groups of Japanese in the restaurant. We didn't feel comfortable because there were lots of Japanese in the same room, and it was extremely humid. I wish we could have been able to open all the windows.
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