지도에 서너 개의 식당표가 있지만 다 중국요리옜어요. 우리는 한국 음식을 먹고 샾는데...
안내기도 메뉴도 모두 중국어만이었어요. 상해 공항도 같았어요. 왜??? 중국 사람들은 옝어로 못 말해요? 아니면 세계 공용어는 중국어라고 생각해요?
"Now we have no hope for Chinese in-flight meals. We have to find good dinner at the Expo to survive."
There were several restaurants near the Japanese and Korean pavilions, but they were all Chinese. No Japanese. No Korean. And can you guess that the information on the roads and menus were all Chinese. Wow. So as in Shanghai International Airport. I really admire you China! we are so lucky we can understand Chinese letters.
식당에서는 메뉴 사진을 손가락잘로 주문했어요. 중국 화폐 단위는 '元 원'지만 기호는 일본엔 같은 ¥예요. '叉焼包¥12/分'를 한 게 주문하는데 나무 짬통 안에 세 게 만두가 있었어요. 돼지고기 만두 세 게에 150엔 정도였어요. 야채 만두는 세 게에 12원(130엔 정도)이었어요. 미트볼 수프는 8원이었어요! 정말 싸다...그리고 맛있었어요. 어느 것이나 맛은 담백해서, 간장이나 달고 짭짭한 소스로 먹은 것을 즐겼어요.
The menu says,'叉焼包¥12/分'. I didn't know the mark of "Gen" is "\". We ordered a cup of meatball soup and each one of pork and veggi steamed buns. We meant it. But see! Two sets of each kind. The price was so cheap that we misunderstood it. Anyway they are all delicious and we enjoyed them.
한국 파빌리온 가까는 식당에 갔어요.
이것은 쌀가루 국수하고 스프 만두엤어요. 이것들도 담백한 맛 있는데, 후추나 간장나 초를 넣어서 먹었어요. 다른 맛도 맛있었어요.
엑스포의 요리는 아주 맛있는데, 왜 기내식이 좋지 않아요?
We looked for Korean restaurants near the Korean pavilion, but we couldn't find any. My mom seemed to be interested in this dumpling soup, so we tried it. We ordered dumpling soup and rice noodle and shared them. We put something like pepper, vinegar,Chinese soy sauce and so on in them to make the taste different.
Everything at the Expo was good. Why not inflight meal?
All the dishes look really good. And they tasted good too, you say?
Wow, lucky you.
Food is not good as a rule at these sites, like Tokyo Disneyland.
I'd love to visit Shanghai again and enjoy 点心・・・
Hi, Sakai-sense!
Actually they were gooood.
Let's go to Shanghai to have 点心!
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