I order peaches through the net in advance every year, but not this summer because of the trip to europe. I really love fruits, especially peaches. I miss them.
So I went buy fresh cakes to 'quil fait bon' which is one of my favorite cake shops in Nagoya.
이 것은 치즈하고 복숭아의 타르터예요. 좀 치즈 맛이 적었어요.
This is a cheese tart with peach jam and fresh peach.(756yen)
I'd rather taste cheese more. This was not the best balance for me.
이 것은 북숭아하고 우유의 프랑이에요.
This is a peach flan.(350yen)
이 것은 커커스터드하고 복숭아의 타르터예요. 전형적에 케이크 이지만 아주 마 있었어요. 저는 이 것을 체일 좋아했어요.
This is a peach tart with custard. (651yen) This one is common type, but I think the best when you want to have peach.
the official site of quil fait bon
Hi, Did you eat all of them in one day by yourself? haha
I looove sweets, especially chocolate and cakes, but I don't eat them often now because good delicious cakes in Tokyo are hard to buy with my budget...
I wish I could read Korean, the amount of your Korean writing is getter bigger and bigger every time I come to see.
Good day!
No,no,not at once. I'm enough smart and patient to save them. hahaha.(Nobody belives me, I know.) Foods and books are the biggest two of my priorities, so I hope I never hesitate to pay for them.
When my Korean improves and I can type proper senteces, you can use a traslator on the web, but not yet. Wait a little bit. Thanks.
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