라인강 주유선을 내려서, 버스로 장크어고아에 갔어요.
We moved to St. Goar by bus after Rhine River cruise. We were going to have lunch in Heidelberg.
점심은 하이델베르크 식당에서 먹었어요. 해가 떠서 기온이 높지만, 테라스에서는 사람들이 많이 있어요. 우리는 안채로 안내당했어요.
It was almost noon and the temperature was going up, yet there were a lot of people drinking beer and chatting at the terrace. We were brought to a small room in the restaurant. There were lots of lovely stuffs in it, so I should have took some pictures there.
신넌한 야채때 문에 전채 샐러드는 정말 맛있었어요.
오른쪽 사진은 사과 파이예요. 크림 말고 마이스크림 있었으면 했어요.
The salad was so good because of fresh veggis. This dressing was just good as the perfect balanced of sour and salt.
The right is apple pie. It was not too much sugar in it. I prefer ice cream to normal cream, but it's American style.
이 것이 메인 캐비지 롤이에요. 커요. 하지만 이 캐비지는 조금 성장이 지나침이에요? 나이프로 칠 수 없었어요.
안내하는 여행사 작원은 도일하고 스위스의 식사는 기대하지 말라고 하지만 저는 좋아했어요.
Main dish was rolled cabbage with potatoes. It was huge. This cabbage was so hard that I straggled to cut it by knife. So as all the people in the room. I thought this purple veggi was beet but it was not. I like beets so I was a little bit disappointed.
I'm learning Korean and German. This is going to be my journal in multi-Languages someday...not food reports...I hope...I wish...
2-3. Rhein River Cruise
유럽은 시워한다고 하지만 전혀 달랐어요. 더워요. 아주 더워요. 이른 아침부터 염천하에 주유선을 탔어요. 도일에서는 라인강은 성하고 포도 밭으로 유면해요. 주유선으로 볼 수 있었어요.
The weather of Europe is said to be dry and cool, but it was not!! The temperature in the morning was already almost 30℃ and the sunlight was really strong becayse of a heatwave. We went on a Rhein River tour. The Rhein river in Germany is famous for castles and vineyards, and on this tour we enjoyed lots of them.
2-2. Rüdesheim am Rhein
라인강 주유서의 시작을 기다리는 동안 와인 시음하고 갔어요. 사실은 저는 와인은 싫아하지만, 여기 백와인은 맛있었서 선물로서 주문했어요.
뤼데스하임 도회예요. 스타트 마크를 클릭하세요.
We went to taste german wine during waiting for Rhein river cruise. Actually I don't like wine so much, but anyway I tried tasting them. It was so good that I decided to buy some for survenior. We had to transit at Shanghai and I didn't want to be bothered bringing them with me, so I ordered them by shipping from a trading company in Japan.
I hope this slide show works. Click the start button.
2-1. Frankfurt am Main
여정보다 한 시간 빨리 겨우 독일 프랑ㅌ크푸르트 공항에 도착했어요. 여섯 시 전에 사람이 그다지 없었어요.
We finally arrived at Frankfurt airport one hour earlier than the schedule. It was earlier than 6 o'clock in the morning, so there were only few people.
돈을 바꾸고 싶으니까, 버스를 기다리는 동안 커피를 마시기로 했어요. 보세요. 이 겁하고 빵은 아주 컸어요. 사실은 누리 트래블러스 체크로 치르고 싶었지만 여기에서는 쓸 수 없었어요. 일본에서 유로 지펴로 바꿨면 좋았어요.
We needed to change into coins and we had lots of time to wait for our bus, so that we had a cup of coffee. See! The cup was so huge. Can you compare with my favorite ballpoint pen, orange big? Actually we wanted to change travelers checks but any of shops at Frankfurt airport couldn't accept them. We should have changed into Euro bills not into checks in Japan.
1-6. In-flight meal again
상해에서 심야에 출발하서 기내에서 도착지 시간으니까 다시 기내식이 나깄어요. 밥나 면이 있지만 다 먹을 때 빵을 배포하기 시작했어요. 빵의 방향을 무시해서 빈 젖시에 던져 넣었어요. 빵이 쓰러져요. 가끔 떨어질 것 같았어요.
겁에 금이 가서 주스가 새니까 새 겁을 부탁했어요. 그러자 그는 말 없이 다른 겁을 쌓았어요. 귀찮은 일을해 보였어요.
We left at almost midnight, but the time was set as the destination in a plane, so in-flight meal was served again!! When passengers were almost finishing their dinner, flight attendants dropped bread in a empty tray. Not put, but dropped. They don't care or just don't know the top and bottom of bread exists. The taste...never ask me.
I found a pool of juice under my plastic cup. There was a huge crack at the bottom of the cup, and juice was leaking. I asked a flight attendant to change the cup, but she put it into another and handed me them without saying anything. She seemed to be really annoyed because of me. Those seemed not to be her business.
곧 독일에 닿을 때 아침 식사를 나갔어요. 오믈렛또는 마파 면이였어요. 왜 아침에 마파여요? 케이트하고 과일하고 요구르트, 왜 디저트가 새 개 있었어요? 왜 오른 사진의 과일이 적었어요? 중국은 매우 이상해요.
These were breakfast. I agree to omelet, but why Mapo noodle? I sincerely want to ask if Chinese have Mapo at breakfast. How come there were three kinds of dessert; chocolate cake, yogurt, and fruit? And one more, didn't they care about the amount of each tray? Look, the fruit. We didn't eat any before I took this picture. China is like a wonderland.
1-5. Chinese vending machine
이것은 중국 자동 판매기예요. 보기가 보통이에요. 키를 잘못했으면 고칠 수 없어서, 돌아갈때 까지 기다려야 해요. 그리고 산 병하고 금은 그대로 떨어져요. 중국 사람에게 파손은 괜찮아 보여요. 지폐도 사용할 수 있지만 거스름돈은 모두 경화예요. 마실 것은 그다지 안 차가웠어요.
This is a vending machine in China. It looks so common.
But there wasn't any button to correct the number we pressed by mistake. We had to wait until the machine was automatically in neutral mood as before. And the bottle fell...just dropped from the shelf with no hesitation. Chinese people seemed to be so generous that they didn't care when the bottle were broken or pops and beer were bubbled. The bottles were not cold even though beer. We could use a bill, but the all change are in small coins.
에비앙은 20원이데, 중국 물은 1원이었어요. 굉장한 차이였어요. 중국은 일본 사식을 벗어났어요.
Evian costed twenty times as much as Chinese water. How come? China seemed to be beyond our expectation.
1-4. Expo Dinner
기내식은 절망적이니까 엑스포에서저녁을 넉었어요.
지도에 서너 개의 식당표가 있지만 다 중국요리옜어요. 우리는 한국 음식을 먹고 샾는데...
안내기도 메뉴도 모두 중국어만이었어요. 상해 공항도 같았어요. 왜??? 중국 사람들은 옝어로 못 말해요? 아니면 세계 공용어는 중국어라고 생각해요?
"Now we have no hope for Chinese in-flight meals. We have to find good dinner at the Expo to survive."
There were several restaurants near the Japanese and Korean pavilions, but they were all Chinese. No Japanese. No Korean. And can you guess that the information on the roads and menus were all Chinese. Wow. So as in Shanghai International Airport. I really admire you China! we are so lucky we can understand Chinese letters.
식당에서는 메뉴 사진을 손가락잘로 주문했어요. 중국 화폐 단위는 '元 원'지만 기호는 일본엔 같은 ¥예요. '叉焼包¥12/分'를 한 게 주문하는데 나무 짬통 안에 세 게 만두가 있었어요. 돼지고기 만두 세 게에 150엔 정도였어요. 야채 만두는 세 게에 12원(130엔 정도)이었어요. 미트볼 수프는 8원이었어요! 정말 싸다...그리고 맛있었어요. 어느 것이나 맛은 담백해서, 간장이나 달고 짭짭한 소스로 먹은 것을 즐겼어요.
The menu says,'叉焼包¥12/分'. I didn't know the mark of "Gen" is "\". We ordered a cup of meatball soup and each one of pork and veggi steamed buns. We meant it. But see! Two sets of each kind. The price was so cheap that we misunderstood it. Anyway they are all delicious and we enjoyed them.
한국 파빌리온 가까는 식당에 갔어요.
이것은 쌀가루 국수하고 스프 만두엤어요. 이것들도 담백한 맛 있는데, 후추나 간장나 초를 넣어서 먹었어요. 다른 맛도 맛있었어요.
엑스포의 요리는 아주 맛있는데, 왜 기내식이 좋지 않아요?
We looked for Korean restaurants near the Korean pavilion, but we couldn't find any. My mom seemed to be interested in this dumpling soup, so we tried it. We ordered dumpling soup and rice noodle and shared them. We put something like pepper, vinegar,Chinese soy sauce and so on in them to make the taste different.
Everything at the Expo was good. Why not inflight meal?
지도에 서너 개의 식당표가 있지만 다 중국요리옜어요. 우리는 한국 음식을 먹고 샾는데...
안내기도 메뉴도 모두 중국어만이었어요. 상해 공항도 같았어요. 왜??? 중국 사람들은 옝어로 못 말해요? 아니면 세계 공용어는 중국어라고 생각해요?
"Now we have no hope for Chinese in-flight meals. We have to find good dinner at the Expo to survive."
There were several restaurants near the Japanese and Korean pavilions, but they were all Chinese. No Japanese. No Korean. And can you guess that the information on the roads and menus were all Chinese. Wow. So as in Shanghai International Airport. I really admire you China! we are so lucky we can understand Chinese letters.
식당에서는 메뉴 사진을 손가락잘로 주문했어요. 중국 화폐 단위는 '元 원'지만 기호는 일본엔 같은 ¥예요. '叉焼包¥12/分'를 한 게 주문하는데 나무 짬통 안에 세 게 만두가 있었어요. 돼지고기 만두 세 게에 150엔 정도였어요. 야채 만두는 세 게에 12원(130엔 정도)이었어요. 미트볼 수프는 8원이었어요! 정말 싸다...그리고 맛있었어요. 어느 것이나 맛은 담백해서, 간장이나 달고 짭짭한 소스로 먹은 것을 즐겼어요.
The menu says,'叉焼包¥12/分'. I didn't know the mark of "Gen" is "\". We ordered a cup of meatball soup and each one of pork and veggi steamed buns. We meant it. But see! Two sets of each kind. The price was so cheap that we misunderstood it. Anyway they are all delicious and we enjoyed them.
한국 파빌리온 가까는 식당에 갔어요.
이것은 쌀가루 국수하고 스프 만두엤어요. 이것들도 담백한 맛 있는데, 후추나 간장나 초를 넣어서 먹었어요. 다른 맛도 맛있었어요.
엑스포의 요리는 아주 맛있는데, 왜 기내식이 좋지 않아요?
We looked for Korean restaurants near the Korean pavilion, but we couldn't find any. My mom seemed to be interested in this dumpling soup, so we tried it. We ordered dumpling soup and rice noodle and shared them. We put something like pepper, vinegar,Chinese soy sauce and so on in them to make the taste different.
Everything at the Expo was good. Why not inflight meal?
1-3. Expo
유럽에서는 상해로 가니까, 상해 엑스포를 잠깐만 견학할 수 있었어요. 하지만 도착이 늦어서, 두 시간만 없었어요.
쭝국은 첫 경험이었어요. 도회풍경으로 아직 빈부의 치가 심한고 생각했어요. 호화로운 저택 뒤에 쓰레기장 같은 폐옥이 많이 있었어요.
Our tour had two-hour-free time in the Shanghai Expo during transit. It was the first time for us to visit China. We looked the view out of the bus window seriously, so serious that I forgot to take pictures . There were lots of tall apartments, which were little bit old but still looked good. A male guide was in the bus and give us some information about the city proudly, but I was not happy to see ramshackle houses behind the gorgeous apartments. Chinese coworkers told us that they were in high leveled class so they could come to Japan to study free, but there were a lot of poor people in rural areas and the life of them was like ancien, and showed us some pictures and reports. I remembered I felt very sorry to see them. I think the Chinese big cities became much much better than rural farm area but there must be still the huge gap between the rich and the poor in China. I wish China used more money for the poor.
그런데 여기가 2010 성해 엑스포예요.
나거야 엑스포에서 못 갔어서, 사실은 이 것이 첫 경험이었어요. 아이, 종아. 낙으로 삼었지만 더 파빌리온에 긴 행렬이 있어서 디즈니랜드 같았어요. 입장은 단념했어서 일본관 주위를 산책했어요.
Anyway we arrived at the place, 2010 Expo at Shanghai! To tell the truth I'd never been to any Expo, so this was the first time!! All the pavilions had loooong lines for enter it, so we decided not to go in and started to walk around. There were tons of people, but I can't say they seemed to be all Chinese...Just since I couldn't see any Western people because of Asian pavilion booth.
회장 내외에 검물들이 각양각색의 라이트업 돼서, 정말 예뻤어요.
See! Isn't it beautiful?
마침 퍼레이드가 있서 불 수 있었어요. 어딘가에 본 적이 있는 것은 생각했어요.
If you are lucky, you can see the parade. Don't expect too much. It's small and looks really really familiar, but don't mention what it was. Here is China. :)
쭝국은 첫 경험이었어요. 도회풍경으로 아직 빈부의 치가 심한고 생각했어요. 호화로운 저택 뒤에 쓰레기장 같은 폐옥이 많이 있었어요.
Our tour had two-hour-free time in the Shanghai Expo during transit. It was the first time for us to visit China. We looked the view out of the bus window seriously, so serious that I forgot to take pictures . There were lots of tall apartments, which were little bit old but still looked good. A male guide was in the bus and give us some information about the city proudly, but I was not happy to see ramshackle houses behind the gorgeous apartments. Chinese coworkers told us that they were in high leveled class so they could come to Japan to study free, but there were a lot of poor people in rural areas and the life of them was like ancien, and showed us some pictures and reports. I remembered I felt very sorry to see them. I think the Chinese big cities became much much better than rural farm area but there must be still the huge gap between the rich and the poor in China. I wish China used more money for the poor.
그런데 여기가 2010 성해 엑스포예요.
나거야 엑스포에서 못 갔어서, 사실은 이 것이 첫 경험이었어요. 아이, 종아. 낙으로 삼었지만 더 파빌리온에 긴 행렬이 있어서 디즈니랜드 같았어요. 입장은 단념했어서 일본관 주위를 산책했어요.
Anyway we arrived at the place, 2010 Expo at Shanghai! To tell the truth I'd never been to any Expo, so this was the first time!! All the pavilions had loooong lines for enter it, so we decided not to go in and started to walk around. There were tons of people, but I can't say they seemed to be all Chinese...Just since I couldn't see any Western people because of Asian pavilion booth.
회장 내외에 검물들이 각양각색의 라이트업 돼서, 정말 예뻤어요.
See! Isn't it beautiful?
마침 퍼레이드가 있서 불 수 있었어요. 어딘가에 본 적이 있는 것은 생각했어요.
If you are lucky, you can see the parade. Don't expect too much. It's small and looks really really familiar, but don't mention what it was. Here is China. :)
1-2. Inflight meal
패키지 투어떼 문에 항공 회사를 택할 수 없어서, 처음에 중국 비행기를 캈어요.
중국에서 도착이 한 시간 늦어서, 우리 출발도 두 시간 늦었어요. 여상대로.
비행기가 달리기 시작할 때, 백이 흰 연기를 뿜었서, 놀랐어요.
이미 파손 돼요...?
고장이 아니라 가습기인 것 같았어요.
카메라를 사용할 수 있면, 사진을 찍고 싶었어요.
We used Chinese air company for the first time because we joined a packaged tour and didn't have any choice. The plane didn't come from China on time, so our flight was two hours delayed. That's not surprising.
The biggest extraordinary thing was that white smoke came from the wall of the plane!!
I was pretty sure the plane was already broken thanks for Chinese, but it was not.
It was for humidification. I'd never seen such equipments and I don't think it was cool.
나거야에서 상해까지 두 시간의 비행인대, 기내식이 나왔어요. 조금 앞에 먹고었서 배부러지만, 맛을 봄만 해 봤어요.
제 것은 고기인데 엄마 것은 생선을 택해서,생선은 뱀장어였어요.
이 오렌지 색의 것은 과일 같았지만 우엇인가 몰랐어요. 모습은 멜론인데 맛은 오이나 수박의 껌질이에요. 이름을 알고 싶어요.
It takes about two hours from Nagoya to Shanghai and it was almost four o'clock, so I had no expectation of meals in it. We were full, yet also we were curious of Chinese in-flight meals and chose each kind, fish and meat.
About the taste, don't ask me. You know it.
Fish was eel. I hate eel. Eel and raisins are the only things I can't eat among common foods.
Do you know what the orange thing is? I think it's a kind of fruits but I'm not sure. It seems to be melon or cantaloupe but tastes like cucumber or the skin part of watermelon. It doesn't mean it was not ripe. Anybody who know it, please let me know!
중국에서 도착이 한 시간 늦어서, 우리 출발도 두 시간 늦었어요. 여상대로.
비행기가 달리기 시작할 때, 백이 흰 연기를 뿜었서, 놀랐어요.
이미 파손 돼요...?
고장이 아니라 가습기인 것 같았어요.
카메라를 사용할 수 있면, 사진을 찍고 싶었어요.
We used Chinese air company for the first time because we joined a packaged tour and didn't have any choice. The plane didn't come from China on time, so our flight was two hours delayed. That's not surprising.
The biggest extraordinary thing was that white smoke came from the wall of the plane!!
I was pretty sure the plane was already broken thanks for Chinese, but it was not.
It was for humidification. I'd never seen such equipments and I don't think it was cool.
나거야에서 상해까지 두 시간의 비행인대, 기내식이 나왔어요. 조금 앞에 먹고었서 배부러지만, 맛을 봄만 해 봤어요.
제 것은 고기인데 엄마 것은 생선을 택해서,생선은 뱀장어였어요.
이 오렌지 색의 것은 과일 같았지만 우엇인가 몰랐어요. 모습은 멜론인데 맛은 오이나 수박의 껌질이에요. 이름을 알고 싶어요.
It takes about two hours from Nagoya to Shanghai and it was almost four o'clock, so I had no expectation of meals in it. We were full, yet also we were curious of Chinese in-flight meals and chose each kind, fish and meat.
About the taste, don't ask me. You know it.
Fish was eel. I hate eel. Eel and raisins are the only things I can't eat among common foods.
Do you know what the orange thing is? I think it's a kind of fruits but I'm not sure. It seems to be melon or cantaloupe but tastes like cucumber or the skin part of watermelon. It doesn't mean it was not ripe. Anybody who know it, please let me know!
1-1. Lunch at Nagoya airport
이번은 관광여행이니까 두 시간 반 전까지 공항에도착해야 했어요.
점심을 공행 식당에서 먹었어요.
My mom and I had to be at the airport at least two and a half hours in advanced for our flight because of a packaged tour, so we had our lunch in a restraint of the airport.
사실은 파스타를 먹고 싶었지만 다 팔려서 닭카레를 먹었어요.
으...매워요. 슬퍼요...
하지만 프리 드링크제니까 많이 마셨어요.
오늘은 정말 더워요.
Actually I wanted to have pasta there but all sold-out, so I had chicken curry instead.
It was so hot and spicy that I had lots of drink refills which were free.
점심을 공행 식당에서 먹었어요.
My mom and I had to be at the airport at least two and a half hours in advanced for our flight because of a packaged tour, so we had our lunch in a restraint of the airport.
사실은 파스타를 먹고 싶었지만 다 팔려서 닭카레를 먹었어요.
으...매워요. 슬퍼요...
하지만 프리 드링크제니까 많이 마셨어요.
오늘은 정말 더워요.
Actually I wanted to have pasta there but all sold-out, so I had chicken curry instead.
It was so hot and spicy that I had lots of drink refills which were free.
0. Summer vacation - 여름 휴가
올해 여름 휴가에는 엄마하고 유럽에 갈거에요.
My mom and I are going to go to Europe in this summer.
여행 일정 schedule
1일째 Nagoya
Shanghai 상해
2일째 Frankfurt am Main 프랑크푸르트암마인
Rüdesheim am Rhein 뤼데스하임
Heidelberg 하이델베르크
(Rothenburg ob der Tauber 로텐부르크)
3일째 Rothenburg ob der Tauber 로텐부르크
Dinkelsbühl 딩켈스뷜
Wieskirche 비스 순례 성당
(Füssen 퓌센)
4일째 Hohenschwangau 호엔슈방가우
(Schloss Neuschwanstein 노이슈반슈타인 성)
(Interlaken 인터라켄)
5일째 Jungfrau 융프라우
(Zermatt 체르마트)
6일째 Matterhorn 마터호른
(Paris 파리 )
7일째 Mont Saint-Michel 몽생미셀
8일째 Musée du Louvre 루브르 미술관
Château de Versailles 베르사이유 궁전
La tour Eiffel 에펠탑
Seine River 센강
9일째 Paris 파리출발
Shanghai 상해
Nagoya, Japan
Start here.
My mom and I are going to go to Europe in this summer.
여행 일정 schedule
1일째 Nagoya
Shanghai 상해
2일째 Frankfurt am Main 프랑크푸르트암마인
Rüdesheim am Rhein 뤼데스하임
Heidelberg 하이델베르크
(Rothenburg ob der Tauber 로텐부르크)
3일째 Rothenburg ob der Tauber 로텐부르크
Dinkelsbühl 딩켈스뷜
Wieskirche 비스 순례 성당
(Füssen 퓌센)
4일째 Hohenschwangau 호엔슈방가우
(Schloss Neuschwanstein 노이슈반슈타인 성)
(Interlaken 인터라켄)
5일째 Jungfrau 융프라우
(Zermatt 체르마트)
6일째 Matterhorn 마터호른
(Paris 파리 )
7일째 Mont Saint-Michel 몽생미셀
8일째 Musée du Louvre 루브르 미술관
Château de Versailles 베르사이유 궁전
La tour Eiffel 에펠탑
Seine River 센강
9일째 Paris 파리출발
Shanghai 상해
Nagoya, Japan
Start here.
마음에 들은 블로그 - Favorite blog
최근 아주 좋아해서 매일 보는 블로그가 있어요. '쟈토라와 하치와레' 라고 하는 고양이의 사이트이에요. '쟈토라'도 '하치와레'도 고양이의 종류이에요.
블로그 저자는 부부이에요. 버림받은 고양이를 찾으면 주워 와서 돌봐요. 일본에서 필요없고 사육할 수 없면 많은 사람이 애완 동물을 버려요. 그 동물은 아무도 사육하고 싶지 않으면 죽기거에요. 하지만 그 블로그에서는 진지한 것은 없어서 고양이의 일상을 쓰어요.
저는 폿포라고 하는 검은 고양이가 정말 마음에 들어요. 폿포의 순족은 희어서 장갑하고 양말을 신어 보여요. 그리고 너구리 같아서, 옛날 재 집에서 있었은 고양이를 생각해요.
재미있으면, 봐주세요. 쟈토라와 하치와레
Recently I've been really into the cat blog , whose name is "Chatora and Hachiware".
The authors have usually three cats that are all abandoned. When they find other abandoned cats or stray cats, they bring them to their home ,take cake of them and look for new owners.
In Japan a lots of people buy a pet and abandon them when they don't want to keep it anymore or they have trouble to keep it. The abandoned cats are supposed to be killed unless somebody want to keep them. In this site, the authors don't try to make the visitors uncomfortable, they just show us the cats have their own characters by using photos and comments.
I totally love Poppo, that is a black cat have white paws like gloves and socks. He remindes me of my old cat, Momo. Both move very slow and lack of the sense of balance. Their faces are like raccoon dogs.
If you are curious about this post, just visit the site.
Unfortunately this site is in Japanese only, but you can see the photos and movies there.
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