I've decided where I live in Tokyo.
I think it takes about 20 minuets on foot to my office, and I'm gonna ride a bike.
I'm learning Korean and German. This is going to be my journal in multi-Languages someday...not food reports...I hope...I wish...
Recent News
Now I'm looking for new job in Tokyo, so I feel a little bit uneasy. Please wait for my updating soon.
4-4. Dinner in Interlaken
인터라켄에서 호텔 식당에서 저녁을 먹었어요. 거기은 식당보다 시골 선술집이나 온천장 여관의 유기장 같은 방이엤어요. 조금 어둑어둑한 방에 유행에 뒤진 음악이 흐르고 있고 미러 볼이 잘 어울린 분위기 옜어요.
We had dinner at the restaurant in the hotel. It looked like a bar in a country or the arcade in a hot spring, not a restaurant . Can you get it? Please try to image this room, it's dim, we can hear gold oldies, there is a disco ball on the ceiling. Do you think it seems to be a good-atmosphere restaurant? I don't think so...So we didn't expect anything for the dinner.

도대체 뭘 먹게 되지 모랐어요. 이탈리안 같은 샐러드예요. 올리브와 콩이 들어 있고 친즈 맛 드레싱이있어서, 이 것은 시저샐러드? 파스타예요. 이 포크는 보통보다 컸어요. 생선은 임연수어 아니예요? 일식 정식의 주역 같은 크기예요. 정말 맛 있어서 더 먹었어요.
This salad didn't look so atractive. Lettuce, olives, and beans with cheese dressing. It might be Caesar salad! Here comes a big plate. The fork wasn't small, actually bigger than usual, but it looked so small like a dessert fork. This fish might be Atka mackerel, that was also big enough for the main of Japanese set meal. And they were all good, totally better than we expected. You don't say our expectations were so low for this meal. We had all even though such a amount.

디저트는 커피와 딸기 맛 아니스예요. 이상한 배합보다 밑에 있는 좋이의 도안이 아주 마음에 걸렸어요. 테이블 뒤에 있는 분재? 이 화분에 심음은 분재? 혹시 이 동안은 일본의 그리고 접시의 도안을 보세요. 중화 도안이에요! 정말 재미있는 저녁이엤어요.
The dessert was strawberry and coffe flavor icecream. We wondered more this pattern of the paper under the glass than the combination of the flavors. Now we noticed the bonsai on the table instead of flowers and candles. Might they think this was Japanese pattern? And look at the plate. You must think it was the pattern of Chinese noodle bowl. We really enjoyed this dinner not only the food but also the restaurant itself!!
We had dinner at the restaurant in the hotel. It looked like a bar in a country or the arcade in a hot spring, not a restaurant . Can you get it? Please try to image this room, it's dim, we can hear gold oldies, there is a disco ball on the ceiling. Do you think it seems to be a good-atmosphere restaurant? I don't think so...So we didn't expect anything for the dinner.

도대체 뭘 먹게 되지 모랐어요. 이탈리안 같은 샐러드예요. 올리브와 콩이 들어 있고 친즈 맛 드레싱이있어서, 이 것은 시저샐러드? 파스타예요. 이 포크는 보통보다 컸어요. 생선은 임연수어 아니예요? 일식 정식의 주역 같은 크기예요. 정말 맛 있어서 더 먹었어요.
This salad didn't look so atractive. Lettuce, olives, and beans with cheese dressing. It might be Caesar salad! Here comes a big plate. The fork wasn't small, actually bigger than usual, but it looked so small like a dessert fork. This fish might be Atka mackerel, that was also big enough for the main of Japanese set meal. And they were all good, totally better than we expected. You don't say our expectations were so low for this meal. We had all even though such a amount.

디저트는 커피와 딸기 맛 아니스예요. 이상한 배합보다 밑에 있는 좋이의 도안이 아주 마음에 걸렸어요. 테이블 뒤에 있는 분재? 이 화분에 심음은 분재? 혹시 이 동안은 일본의 그리고 접시의 도안을 보세요. 중화 도안이에요! 정말 재미있는 저녁이엤어요.
The dessert was strawberry and coffe flavor icecream. We wondered more this pattern of the paper under the glass than the combination of the flavors. Now we noticed the bonsai on the table instead of flowers and candles. Might they think this was Japanese pattern? And look at the plate. You must think it was the pattern of Chinese noodle bowl. We really enjoyed this dinner not only the food but also the restaurant itself!!

4-3. Interlaken
여기까지 날씨가 정말 좋고 기온도 흑서하지만 스워스에 들어오서 풍경이 하이디의 폭풍이 볼 것 같은 날씨도 됐어요. 구볼구볼 구부러진 길 때 문에 저도 기분이 나빠지 됐어요. 하이디와 같은 풍경의 사진을 찍지 않아서 도착을 기다렸어요. 겨우 휴게로 면세점에 들어와서 일본차를 마셨어요. 휴게후에 버스에 되돌아올때 버킷을 뒤지운 같은 비가 많이 왔어요. 우산은 쓸모가 없었어요. 비가 내일도 계속되면 하이킹은 중지되지 않아기 기대했어요.
It was really fine and hot day, but it was getting worse as we came nearer Switzerland. The landscape was like the world of 'Heidi' and people in the bus were excited to take pictures, but I began to fell carsick. I waited to stop somewhere to rest. The bus stopped soon at a duty-free shop, and the others had Japanese tea there though I run into a washroom directly. When we left the shop, it started showering outside literally like upsetting a bucket. I hoped the rain continued and the picnic would be canceled tomorrow.

오늘 이와 같은 호텔 이엤어요. 언뜻 보기에 귀엽지만 사실을 말하면 아주 낡아빠 졌어요. 오랜 세월에 닦아진 호텔? 첫 해외 여행때 상기했어요. 친구가 체재하는 집을 아주 오래된 건물을 손질해서 소중하제 쓰고 있었어요. 일분 사람이라면 곧 버리는데 무더운 잠 못 이루는 밤에는 에어 컨디셔닝이나 망창이나 쓰고 싶어요. 이 방 좋은 작은 욕조옜어요.
We stayed a night in Interlaken. This hotel looked a little bit cute but very old. It reminded me of my first travel abroad to England. I stayed at the house a friend of mine stayed with. The host family used old dishes and cups repaired. We would dump those stuffs not to care when they are cracked. I like this hotel but I couldn't stop feeling inconvenient. I sincerely hoped an air conditioning and a proper key on the door. Did I hope too much?
It was really fine and hot day, but it was getting worse as we came nearer Switzerland. The landscape was like the world of 'Heidi' and people in the bus were excited to take pictures, but I began to fell carsick. I waited to stop somewhere to rest. The bus stopped soon at a duty-free shop, and the others had Japanese tea there though I run into a washroom directly. When we left the shop, it started showering outside literally like upsetting a bucket. I hoped the rain continued and the picnic would be canceled tomorrow.

오늘 이와 같은 호텔 이엤어요. 언뜻 보기에 귀엽지만 사실을 말하면 아주 낡아빠 졌어요. 오랜 세월에 닦아진 호텔? 첫 해외 여행때 상기했어요. 친구가 체재하는 집을 아주 오래된 건물을 손질해서 소중하제 쓰고 있었어요. 일분 사람이라면 곧 버리는데 무더운 잠 못 이루는 밤에는 에어 컨디셔닝이나 망창이나 쓰고 싶어요. 이 방 좋은 작은 욕조옜어요.
We stayed a night in Interlaken. This hotel looked a little bit cute but very old. It reminded me of my first travel abroad to England. I stayed at the house a friend of mine stayed with. The host family used old dishes and cups repaired. We would dump those stuffs not to care when they are cracked. I like this hotel but I couldn't stop feeling inconvenient. I sincerely hoped an air conditioning and a proper key on the door. Did I hope too much?
4-2. Sausage
독일이면 소시지예요. 겨우 먹을 수 있었어요.
What do you imagine when you hear Germany? Me? Of course, sausage!
Here you are!

스프는 조금 짠맛이 나지만 걸었서 땀을 흘린 후에 꼭 좋았어요. 사워크라우트(양배추)도 겨우 나갔어요. 소시지는 조금 기름기가 많았어요. 디저트는 초콜릿 무스? 초콜릿 맛 팥소 같은 것이엤어요. 왜 행기이 초콜릿인가요? 팥소죠? 이상해요.
The soup was a little bit salty, yet it was nice after sweating. This pickled cabbage is called Sauerkraut that is also typical German food. The sausage was a little greasy so it made my stomach upset. What was this dessert? It smelled chocolate, but taste and texture was totally 'an', red bean paste.
What do you imagine when you hear Germany? Me? Of course, sausage!
Here you are!
스프는 조금 짠맛이 나지만 걸었서 땀을 흘린 후에 꼭 좋았어요. 사워크라우트(양배추)도 겨우 나갔어요. 소시지는 조금 기름기가 많았어요. 디저트는 초콜릿 무스? 초콜릿 맛 팥소 같은 것이엤어요. 왜 행기이 초콜릿인가요? 팥소죠? 이상해요.
The soup was a little bit salty, yet it was nice after sweating. This pickled cabbage is called Sauerkraut that is also typical German food. The sausage was a little greasy so it made my stomach upset. What was this dessert? It smelled chocolate, but taste and texture was totally 'an', red bean paste.
4-1. Schloss Neuschwanstein

이번 일째 가고 싶은 것이 이 흰 성예요.
이 성은 바그너의 패트런이는 루드비히 2세가 완전히 휘미로 짓은 건물이에요. 신화나 음악이 좋아하지만 정치에는 흥미가 없어서 예산을 낭비한니까 미친 사람으로서 어릴 때 살은 호엔슈방가우 성에 유폐됐어요. 어느 날 호수에서 익사 했어요. 이꿈 성에 거의 살 수 없는데 노무 불쌍해요.
This is Neuschwanstein castle which I wanted to see the most of this travel.
Ludwig II, who was a patron of the composer Richard Wagner, built this castle just for his taste. He was interested in music and mythology, not in politics and economy. He didn't care to spend a lot of money for the construction and interior of the castle, and it made people very angry so he was locked in Hohenschwangau castle as a lunatic. One day he was found drowned in a lake. Nobody knows it was an accident or suicide.
성까지는 전용 버스로나 마차로나 도보로 가야해요. 입성 시간을 지정한 표니까 버스가 오지 않으면 비탈을 오러야해요. 돌아오는 길에 아무 것도 타지 않고 많이 사람이 버탈을 내렸어요. 성 내보는 진짜 아름다워지만, 유감스러우나 성 안에서 사진을 찍지 안 됐어요.
호수에 갔을 때 백조 부모자식이 있었어요. 호구 안에 사진을 찍고 있는 한국 학생이 있어서 한국어로 조금 말 했어요. 한국에서 오리는 먹지만 백조를 먹지 않는다고 했어요. 일본도 같아요.
3-8. Füssen
우리는 퓌센에 닿았어요. 여기는 일째 크고 아름다운 호텔이었어요. 큰 방 안에 세 게 침대가 있고, 익사힐 수 있는 큰 육조옜어요. 여기에서는 사진이 한 장도 없었어요. 왜???
We arrived at Füssen. This hotel was so good that we were totally excited. There were three beds in a room and bathroom was so huge that I could be drawn in the tub if I wanted to. Unfortunately I forgot to take pictures of this hotel room. Oh my god...

호텔은 식당에서 저녁을 먹었어요. 파스타도 고기도 디저트도 더 최고예요! 라따뚜이 같은 야채 많은 소스가 고마워요.
We had dinner at the restaurant of the hotel. Pasta, steak, and dessert, all of them were perfect. I loved the sauce of steak like ratatouille.

다음날 아침에 같은 호텔 식당에서 뷔퍼를 먹었어요. 야채도 반찬도 많이 있고 더 막 있었어요. 여러가지 종류의 독일 흑 빵도 있지만 저는 잘 자를 수 없었어요. 치즈도 많이 있어서 먹어 비교했어요.
이 호텔은 정말 좋우니까 꼭 목고 싶어요. 그 때 더 먹고 싶어요.
On the next morning we had breakfast there. It was buffet. There were lots of kinds of dishes like Japanese hotel buffet. We enjoyed it a lot. We loved this hotel so much and wanted to stay one more night.
We arrived at Füssen. This hotel was so good that we were totally excited. There were three beds in a room and bathroom was so huge that I could be drawn in the tub if I wanted to. Unfortunately I forgot to take pictures of this hotel room. Oh my god...

호텔은 식당에서 저녁을 먹었어요. 파스타도 고기도 디저트도 더 최고예요! 라따뚜이 같은 야채 많은 소스가 고마워요.
We had dinner at the restaurant of the hotel. Pasta, steak, and dessert, all of them were perfect. I loved the sauce of steak like ratatouille.
다음날 아침에 같은 호텔 식당에서 뷔퍼를 먹었어요. 야채도 반찬도 많이 있고 더 막 있었어요. 여러가지 종류의 독일 흑 빵도 있지만 저는 잘 자를 수 없었어요. 치즈도 많이 있어서 먹어 비교했어요.
이 호텔은 정말 좋우니까 꼭 목고 싶어요. 그 때 더 먹고 싶어요.
On the next morning we had breakfast there. It was buffet. There were lots of kinds of dishes like Japanese hotel buffet. We enjoyed it a lot. We loved this hotel so much and wanted to stay one more night.
3-7. Wieskirche
이 건물을 세계 유산인 비스키르헤예요. 비디오를 보세요.
Thi is Wieskirche, which has been a UNESCO world heritage since 1983. Just look at this slide show.
외관은 보통으나 속은 정말 아름다운다고 생각해요? 외관은 수수한 교회 밨에 생각하지 않죠?
두 마리 염소는 가지의 잎을 먹어 싶어했어요.
You must be amazed to see it. The inside of this church is unimaginable from the outside.
There were two goats on the roof of their house, jumping to the air. We wondered what they were doing, and watched them. They seemed to want to eat the leaves of the branches.
Aunt Stella's

오래간만에 그 가게에서 쿠키를 샀어요. 저는 엣날 그 쿠키를 정말 좋아했서요. 오래간만의 쿠키는 그다지 달지 않아서, 일시에 다섯 장도 먹었어요. 살 찔거에요.
I loved this cookie shop and I used to buy a lot of them. But I haven't found any branches near my old apartments for a long time. I think they were very sweet, but not now. I can eat 4 or 5 cookies at once though I used to eat only 1 or 2.
3-6. Dinkelsbühl
중세의 거리가 있는 도시, 딩켈스뷜이에요. 교역으로 번영한 도시떼 문에 벽하고 해자를 둘러파요. 중세의 집이 귀여워서, 우리는 사진을 많이 찍었어요.
Dinkelsbühl is one of the beautiful medieval cities in Germany. There are lots of historical houses and this town is surrounded by old towers and walls. We took a lot of pictures.

왼쪽에서 서 번째의 집은 도이줴스 하우스라는 유명한 호텔이에요. 한번 묵어 보고 싶어요.
스퍼에서는 주먹밥의 광고가 있지만 실물은 슈퍼 안에 못 봤어요. 어젯 파스타의 정체를 그 슈퍼 아저씨가 가르쳤어요. 장크트 게오르그 교회도 유명하지만 일부만 찍히지 않았어요. 더 많이 사진을 찍어야 했어요.
The 3rd house from the right is Dautsche Hous that is used as a hotel now. St. Georgkirche is a famous church, but I missed taking a picture of it.
3-5. Lunch

로텐부르크의 거리를 삭책한 후에 벽 바로 밖에서 있는 식당에서 점심을 먹었어요.
After walking around Rothenburg, we went to a restaurant that was just outside of the walls.

콩소메, 샐러드, 결들이는 감자가 많이 있었어요.
The menu was consomme soup, salad, and a lot of baked potatoes.

메인은 흰 생선의 프라이옜어요. 타르타르소스가 정말 맜었어요. 무슨 생선이엤어요? 대구? 디저트는 치즈 무스예요. 이것도 맜었어요!
The main was fried white fish with tartar sauce. I love tartar sauce, so it was good. I wondered what kind of fish it was. codfish?
다만 식당 안에 아주 더웠어요. 다른 손님이 없지만 일본 투어 손님만 믾이 같은 방 안에 있어서, 바람이 안 불었어요. 있기에 다른 일분 투어 사람들하고 있고 싶지 안아요.
There were no customer but several tour groups of Japanese in the restaurant. We didn't feel comfortable because there were lots of Japanese in the same room, and it was extremely humid. I wish we could have been able to open all the windows.
3-3. Rothenburg ob der Tauber
로텐부르크라는 도시는 독일에서 북수 있는데, 로매틱 가도에서 있는 이 도시는 '로텐부르크오프데어타우버'라고 해요. '로텐버그'란 도시도 있어서, 마주 혼동해요. 전쟁로 도시기 파괴돼서, 오래된 시가지로서 토표로 결정했어요. 벽 안에 시가는 주거에 알맞지 않으니까, 사람들은 많이 벽 밖에 살아서 벽 안에 일을 하고 있어요. 불편하지만 그 결단은 멋지다고 생각해요. 그 결단떼 문에 지금에 이르기까지 관광로 번창하고 있어요. 언재라도 새롭게 다시 단들을 수 있지만, 오래된 건물일 만들은 것은 정말 어며워요. 여기저기 귀여운 물건이 많이 있었어요.
There are several cities named Rothenburg in Germany. So, this town is called 'Rothenburg ob der Tauber', which means Rothenburg above the Tauber river. There is also 'Rothenberg' and I've had been confused till writing blogs. This town was badly damaged by the war and citizens decided to rebuilt buildings as medieval styled. Those buildings looks good, but not convenient for living in it so people live outside of the wall and work inside. But I really admire their decision. To make them all new is much easier than to keep something old. That why this town has been famous sightseeing spot for a long time. There were lots of lovely stuffs all around in this town.
There are several cities named Rothenburg in Germany. So, this town is called 'Rothenburg ob der Tauber', which means Rothenburg above the Tauber river. There is also 'Rothenberg' and I've had been confused till writing blogs. This town was badly damaged by the war and citizens decided to rebuilt buildings as medieval styled. Those buildings looks good, but not convenient for living in it so people live outside of the wall and work inside. But I really admire their decision. To make them all new is much easier than to keep something old. That why this town has been famous sightseeing spot for a long time. There were lots of lovely stuffs all around in this town.
Lunch at Harves
오늘 한국어 선생님하고 같이 런치를 먹었어요.
I had lunch at Harves with my Korean teacher.

런치 세트는 파스타하고 샐러드하고 드링크제하고 케이크가 있어요. 저는 바나나 크림 파이하고 아이스 티를 택했어요.
The lunch set includes drink, salad, and dessert. We can choose one cakes among three. I ordered banana cream pie and iced tea with orange.

재건 판체타<되지 햄>하고 열름 야채의 토마토 파스타인대, 선생님 건 중국 제의 먹하고 낙지의 알리오 올리오 파스타예요. 맛 있었어요.
I chose pasta tomato sauce with pancetta and summer Vegetables,and she chose aglio olio e peperoncino with potargo and octopus. Both were good. She told me that she always choose the wrong one she doesn't like but this time she succeeded.
I had lunch at Harves with my Korean teacher.
런치 세트는 파스타하고 샐러드하고 드링크제하고 케이크가 있어요. 저는 바나나 크림 파이하고 아이스 티를 택했어요.
The lunch set includes drink, salad, and dessert. We can choose one cakes among three. I ordered banana cream pie and iced tea with orange.
재건 판체타<되지 햄>하고 열름 야채의 토마토 파스타인대, 선생님 건 중국 제의 먹하고 낙지의 알리오 올리오 파스타예요. 맛 있었어요.
I chose pasta tomato sauce with pancetta and summer Vegetables,and she chose aglio olio e peperoncino with potargo and octopus. Both were good. She told me that she always choose the wrong one she doesn't like but this time she succeeded.
The season of peaches
저는 매년 인터넷으로 복숭아를 선해 여약을 하지만, 해외 여행때 문에 금년 여름는 못 했어요. 정말 목고싶어요. 그래서 마음에 들은 가게, 'quil fait bon'에서 사러 갔어요.
I order peaches through the net in advance every year, but not this summer because of the trip to europe. I really love fruits, especially peaches. I miss them.
So I went buy fresh cakes to 'quil fait bon' which is one of my favorite cake shops in Nagoya.

이 것은 치즈하고 복숭아의 타르터예요. 좀 치즈 맛이 적었어요.
This is a cheese tart with peach jam and fresh peach.(756yen)
I'd rather taste cheese more. This was not the best balance for me.

이 것은 북숭아하고 우유의 프랑이에요.
This is a peach flan.(350yen)

이 것은 커커스터드하고 복숭아의 타르터예요. 전형적에 케이크 이지만 아주 마 있었어요. 저는 이 것을 체일 좋아했어요.
This is a peach tart with custard. (651yen) This one is common type, but I think the best when you want to have peach.
the official site of quil fait bon
I order peaches through the net in advance every year, but not this summer because of the trip to europe. I really love fruits, especially peaches. I miss them.
So I went buy fresh cakes to 'quil fait bon' which is one of my favorite cake shops in Nagoya.
이 것은 치즈하고 복숭아의 타르터예요. 좀 치즈 맛이 적었어요.
This is a cheese tart with peach jam and fresh peach.(756yen)
I'd rather taste cheese more. This was not the best balance for me.
이 것은 북숭아하고 우유의 프랑이에요.
This is a peach flan.(350yen)
이 것은 커커스터드하고 복숭아의 타르터예요. 전형적에 케이크 이지만 아주 마 있었어요. 저는 이 것을 체일 좋아했어요.
This is a peach tart with custard. (651yen) This one is common type, but I think the best when you want to have peach.
the official site of quil fait bon
3-4. Schneeball

슈네발은 눈알이라는 의미의 과자예요. 가늘고 길은 반죽으로 둥글게 해서 기름에 튀긴 후에 설탕이나 초코를 씌워요. 불품보다 달지 않아지만, 아주 커서 칼로리가 높아요!
This is Scheeball, which means snow ball. The long stripes of dough is twisted and deep fried. Dusting sugar is a original one but there are several kinds of Scheeballs like cinnamon sugar, chocolate, coconuts, nuts and so on. It was not so sweet than I expected, but it must have had high calories.

슈네발 한 개에 1.5 유로 정도옜어요. 직인이 사진을 찍어도 촣는다고 해서 일부러 포즈를 취해 두 줬어요. 아저씨, 고마워요!
It cost about 1.5 Euro at all the shops in this town. The cook told me that I could take a picture of him and he posed.
재가 먹은 것은 시나몬 슈거맛인데 서로 나눈 초코맛도 맛있었어요. 수일 동안 지탱할 수 있는데 선물으로 살 사람이 있지만 여름에 가지고 돌아 갈 것은 조금 어려워요.
I choose the cinnamon sugar taste, but the chocolate one was also good. Travelers buy them as souvenirs but not in the summer.
3-2. Der Meistertrunk
로텐부르트 도시 안에 있는 관광안내소의 벽에서 잔치 시계가 있어요. 30년 전쟁때 이 도시는 점령당했서, 큰 조키로 와인을 다 마실 수 있으면, 처혀하지 않아라고 했어요. 근대 그 당시 시장님이 도전했어요. 그 조키 안에 세 리터 와인이 있어요. 단숨에 다 마셔버려서, 사람들 목숨을 살릴 수 있지만, 그 시장님은 만 3일 동안 잤어요.
There is a famous legend about saving lives by drinking in Rothengurg. Can you guess it? Long time ago, this city was occupied and many citizens were going to be killed. The general gave citizens the deal not to kill them if someone would be able to drink a big mug of wine, which was about 3L. The mayor succeeded but after drinking he fell and completely slept for whole three days. To praise this mayor the clock was installed. THIS IS IT!

열한 시 십오 분에 이 장치 시계에서 시장님의 인형이 나간대요. 기대해서 기다렸어요.
This is a device clock. The two window open every hour between 11:00 and 15:00, so we waited for it.

창문이 열려요.
Finally they comes!
오 분후, 아무 것도 바까지 않아요....이 것이 다?
And about 5 minus passed... They still be the same. Nothing happened.

기대에 어긋나고 말았어요.
I could hear deep sighs. This must have been a big disappointment for everybody beyond countries.
There is a famous legend about saving lives by drinking in Rothengurg. Can you guess it? Long time ago, this city was occupied and many citizens were going to be killed. The general gave citizens the deal not to kill them if someone would be able to drink a big mug of wine, which was about 3L. The mayor succeeded but after drinking he fell and completely slept for whole three days. To praise this mayor the clock was installed. THIS IS IT!
열한 시 십오 분에 이 장치 시계에서 시장님의 인형이 나간대요. 기대해서 기다렸어요.
This is a device clock. The two window open every hour between 11:00 and 15:00, so we waited for it.
창문이 열려요.
Finally they comes!
오 분후, 아무 것도 바까지 않아요....이 것이 다?
And about 5 minus passed... They still be the same. Nothing happened.
기대에 어긋나고 말았어요.
I could hear deep sighs. This must have been a big disappointment for everybody beyond countries.
3-1. Breakfast

아침 식사를 호텔에서 했어요. 독일떼 문에 흑빵라고 생각해지만 쿠페빵 같은 흰빵있었어요. 그 밖에 햄하고 치즈가 수종류 있었어요. 야채가 있으면 샌드위지가 만들 수 있어요. 잼하고 붕밀하고 초코 페이스트도 있어서, 빵에 바렀어요. 우유하고 요구르트는 정말 마있었어요. 두 개 불 안에 있는 요구르트의 색이 다라서, 맛도 다랐어요. 그 것은 뭐 알고 싶어요.
This is breakfast in the hotel. We expected rye bread, but they were not. I chose this one that looked like a French roll and tasted just like a roll. If we had veggies they would be sandwiches. There were also several kinds of jams and honeys. I tried all of them. I liked yogurt and milk there. There seem to be two kinds of yogurt, one was white colour and plain taste and the other was ivory and something like nuts. I would like to know what it was. I don't think someone put peanuts butter in yogurt by mistake.
2-7. Pasta?
로텐부르크는 벽에 둘러싸인 도시예서 주세 건물이 많이 있어요. 관광떼 문에 그 건물은 재건당 했어요. 처음에 저는 호텔 방이 벽 안에 있는 것을 생각했어요.
Rothenburg has walls around it and lots of medieval buildings in it. This city was rebuild for one of sightseeing spots after the wars. We stayed in a hotel in a wall. First I thought there was hotel rooms in a tick wall and we were going to stay, but it's wrong. It means a hotel inside walls.

우리 호텔에서 저녁을 먹었어요. 으선 샐러드옜어요. 고기 요리에 곁들인 냐채가 볼 안에 많이 많이 있었어요.
We had dinner in the hotel we stayed. Salad and veggies on the side.

메인 요리는 닭고기옜어요. 닭고기 옆에 파스타 닮은 것이 있어서, 우리 더 무엇인가 모랐어요. 디저트는 초콜릿 무스? 그다지 달지 않아서, 풀을 같았어요.
그 이튿날에 다른 도시의 가게에서 독일 유면한 파스타를 가르쳐 줘서, 그 파스타가 이 것을 같을지도 모라요.
The main was chicken and gravy sauce...and what? It seemed to be pasta but didn't have any taste. Whole potato was much better.
The dessert was chocolate mousse? It was not so sweet but really sticky like glee.
A days later at a store I was recommended 'Spätzle', one of German pasta. It might be this...but 'm not sure. If it was good, I would have bought some as a souvenir.
Rothenburg has walls around it and lots of medieval buildings in it. This city was rebuild for one of sightseeing spots after the wars. We stayed in a hotel in a wall. First I thought there was hotel rooms in a tick wall and we were going to stay, but it's wrong. It means a hotel inside walls.
우리 호텔에서 저녁을 먹었어요. 으선 샐러드옜어요. 고기 요리에 곁들인 냐채가 볼 안에 많이 많이 있었어요.
We had dinner in the hotel we stayed. Salad and veggies on the side.
메인 요리는 닭고기옜어요. 닭고기 옆에 파스타 닮은 것이 있어서, 우리 더 무엇인가 모랐어요. 디저트는 초콜릿 무스? 그다지 달지 않아서, 풀을 같았어요.
그 이튿날에 다른 도시의 가게에서 독일 유면한 파스타를 가르쳐 줘서, 그 파스타가 이 것을 같을지도 모라요.
The main was chicken and gravy sauce...and what? It seemed to be pasta but didn't have any taste. Whole potato was much better.
The dessert was chocolate mousse? It was not so sweet but really sticky like glee.
A days later at a store I was recommended 'Spätzle', one of German pasta. It might be this...but 'm not sure. If it was good, I would have bought some as a souvenir.
2-6. Hotel in Rothenburg
비해기 안에 자서 조조부터 예정이 많이 있는 니틀이지만 겨우 호텔에 닿았어요. 우리 방은 3층에 있지만 유럽에서 2nd floor랑 불리니까 엘리베이터 안에 2의 단추를 누러야 했어요. 엘리베이터 문을 닫을 단추는 없었어요. 피로해서 목욕하고 싶은데 화장실에는 욕조가 없었어요. 방은 다락방 같아 보있어요.
보통 독일 기후는 홋카이도를 비슷해서 여름 기온은 25도 정도 만 있데 문에 방 안에는 난방 기구만 있어서, 냉방 장치가 없는대요. 하지만 오늘 최고 기온은 32도. 창문을 열어지만 더위데 문에 못 잘 잤어요.
독밀하고 스위스 호텔에서는 더 독일식 트윈 베드라고 해서 두 개 매트리스가 한 개 나무 테 안에 들어 있어요 부부랑 여자 친구들은 괜찮아지만 남자이면...이상해요.
We stayed overnight in the plane and had done the crammed schedule, then finally reached a hotel in Rothenburg. Our room was on 3rd floor in Japanese, but they call it 2nd floor, so we had to press the 3 button, not 2. There was no "close button". Don't they use it? This room looked like an attic. I liked it. First of all we were so tired that we really wanted to take a bath, but there wasn't a tub in the washroom of our room. Poor we.
Though the climate of Germany is usually as cool as Hokkaido, and the maximum temperature is around 25 degrees, the one of this day was above 30. There was no air-conditioning. Poor we, again. We couldn't sleep tight this night.
The style of bed was German twin in all of the hotels we stayed in Germany and Switzerland. It has two mattress in a wooden bed case. It's OK for a couple and female friends, but not for male friends...I don't want to think of it.
2-5. Heidelberg
점심후 만닐 장소에 가면 그리운 기분을 됐어요. 일순 '여기는 어디예요?'라고 생가했어요. 여기는 마주 오타와 새내에 집을 같았어요.
When I went to the meeting point after lunch, I felt something was really familiar like déjà-vu. I wondered why and it hitted me. This town is like a downtown in Ottawa.
이 시에서는 독일에 가장 오래된 대학, '루프레히트 카를스 하이델베르크대학교'가 있어요. 캠파스는 없어서, 다 시에 학교 건물이 있어요. 일분 교토대학 '철학의 샛길'은 이 대학을 흉내내서 만들었어요. 하지만 저는 교토대학에 간 걱이 없어서, 공통점은 모르겠어요.
There is Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg, the oldest university in Germany, and the whole of this downtown is the uni. I heard campus university was not common in Germany.
'The philosophical path'of Kyoto uni is named after the path in this uni,"Philosophenweg". I've never been to one of Kyoto, so I couldn't find any similarity between them.
As we passed I found a used-book store There were lots of art books and childen books,so I really wanted to check them but I had to catch my group. This was the only used-book store that I could find during this travel. Sigh...

이 것은 카를 테오도르 다리, 도일에 가장 오래된 돌로 지은 다리예요. 다리 옆에 망토비비 상이 있어서, 관광 객이 머리를 넣어서 사진을 찍고 있었어요. 저도 하고 싶지만 키가 작아서 미칠 수 없었어요
This is Karl-Theodor-Brücke but the statue at the side of the bridge. The name of this statue is Brückenaff. People in Heidelberg seemed to like apes. So do travelars. They put their head in this statue and took pictures. This bridge was made of stones after lots of floods destroyed wooden bridges, and it wasn't common at that time.

로프웨이로 하이델배르크 성이 있는 산에 갈 거에요. 개찰구 표시는 '마직 2분'부터 바귀지 않았어요. 새 면 대머리 큰 남자들이 그 표시을 안 보니까, 게이트 고장라고 생각하나 봤어요. 그리고 우리 가이드가 이야기를 걸어서, 그 남자들은 이집트 유학생하고 일본어로 인사를 했어요.
성에서는 큰 와인 통이 있지만 정말 큰나까 사진을 못 찍었어요.
We were going to go to Heidelberg castle by cableway. The signal at the gate was red and the show was 'Wait 2 mins', so we waited there. Three bald and tall men came and tried to pass the red-signed gate. Our guide let them know the sign, and they started to talk to us. They were students from Egypt and they knew a little bit Japanese. They seemed to be rough but they were really friendly.
In Heidelberg castle we can see the outrageously huge wine container. It's so huge that there is a steps to climb it.
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